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【曼谷】城市闪送服务| Bangkok Flash Delivery


  • 库存187
  • 销量52
  • 热度3046
  • 【包装】: 产区原装
  • 【有效期至】: 见包装喷码
  • 【销售范围】: 泰国

*PrEP / PEP 产品所含 TENO-EM或因产品库存原因缺货,会自动为您替换成等同成分产品 TENOF-EM或 Ricovir-EM 而不另行通知。

Screenshot 2023-03-02 at 18.32.05.png


1. 请您注意,该页面可购产品,将启用曼谷闪送*服务,结算页面会有额外200人民币运费叠加

2. EM SHOP全年无休您可随时下单订购,我们合作机构配货及派送时间为:周一至周六 09:00-19:00,节假日运营时间另行通知,合作机构运营时段与EM SHOP有所不同。建议您提前选购并下单,我们将尽快为您发出商品。

3. 订购时,请您填写详尽的收货地址信息,并尽量提供泰国电信运营商手机号码。我们建议您地址可选择为酒店、服务式公寓前台,并注明房间号和完整个人拼音全名,以便不会中文、英文的派送员能快速准确的为您投递。您可提前告知前台在收到包裹后第一时间联系您下楼提取。


海外地址填写示例(PC端 下拉时若无“其他”选项可按键盘“下键”并“回车”即可选中)

5. 订购商品不提供“安全标签”及中文二维码说明书服务,您可向在线客服联系索取完整电子版中文使用说明。

6. 其他未尽事宜,您可随意点击屏幕右下方与我们的在线客服取得联系。

*闪送服务商由 Grab®️或同等派送时效服务商提供。

Tips for ordering products on this page:

1. Please note that the Bangkok flash delivery* service only available for products on this page, and an additional CNY 200 shipping fee will be added when checkout.

2. EM SHOP is open all year round. You can place an order at any time. The distribution and delivery times of our cooperative agencies are: 09:00-19:00 from Monday to Saturday, closed at all local holidays. It is recommended that you purchase and place your order in advance, we will arrange shipping as soon as possible.

3. When ordering, please fill in the detailed delivery address information and we also recommed you to use the front desk of a hotel or serviced apartment as your address, and indicate your room number and your complete name, so that delivery guy who do not speak Chinese or English can deliver to front desk or services counter with Thai speaking staff, who will inform you to pick up when delivered.

4. When filling in the address, you can pull down the address bar, select "Other" for the provincial and municipal address, and fill in the detailed address correctly. As shown above.

5. "Safety labels" and Chinese QR code instruction services are not provided for products on this page. You can contact online customer service for the complete use instructions.

6. For other unfinished matters, you can feel free to click on the lower right corner of the screen to contact our online customer service.




